Saturday, October 27, 2012

Academic Generosities

After being away from school for a year and being given the wonderful opportunity to return, I have realized some academic "pluses", "extras", etc. that schools give their students. All on this list will be things inexpensive or free and of academic or cultural nature. Things I appreciate and enjoy in being a student.

1. Guest Lectures
I realized I really missed the opportunity to be invited to guest lectures on campus. I just went to one titled: "The behavioral and neural basis of MDMA (‘ecstasy’) - induced memory impairments: What animal models reveal." Dr. David Harper from Victoria University of Wellington in New Zealand was the guest. I really enjoyed listening to his research, findings, and implications. There is so much wonderful research being done around the world; being a student in college gives you a plethora of opportunities to learn about just a fraction of what is being done.

2. Cultural Performances
I love that dance performances, plays, poetry, etc. are available right on campus on multiple occasions. I enjoyed many at Ursinus, but have not been to any here yet. I hope to attend one soon.

3. Interest Groups
At Ursinus I was involved in Active Minds, Psychology Club, and started The Running Club. Here at UNCW I am involved in PGSA and NAMI on campus. I love making a difference in these student-run groups and meeting others passionate about what I'm passionate about. I have had nothing but positive experiences in campus groups.

4. Studying
There, I said it. I enjoy studying. Well, it's not as simple as that. I enjoy being challenged to fill my brain with facts and methods (some feel more relevant than others), and being tested to see how well I did. No, I do not particularly enjoy the test itself, or receiving the grades, but I love the challenge.

5. Other Students
Being a student in college is one of the best opportunities to meet people from all over the world with all different experiences. Especially in grad school, I have really enjoyed getting to know people I would never have met had I not come down here at good old UNCW.

6. Professors
College professors are definitely one of the nicest AND smartest population of people I can generalize about. Here at UNCW every professor I have met has been very friendly and enthusiastic. My mentor here and my TA advisor (the two professors I am in closest contact with) are extremely helpful and encouraging.

7. Writing
I love writing and doing literature reviews. In my year off from college, this is what I missed most. I am currently working on publishing my undergraduate research (a slow process), and have lots of fun doing it. I hope to get it submitted somewhere by the end of the semester. I would love to have a publication before applying to Ph.D. programs. Reading and and all research about schizophrenia is definitely one of my unique hobbies that I will never give up :).

There it is. I definitely have things I like MORE about grad school than undergraduate, but I will save that for another post ;).